Blended Family Liqueurs

Unique handmade liqueurs crafted in Georgia

Created by Scott Mayer, a bartender with over twenty years in the business, who also grew up in “The Peach State”. It is clear why his first experimental liqueur was peach, but Scott soon realized the need for an American Made, full line up of natural liqueurs. He named the company as an homage to his own family, of which he is one of nine siblings, a “blend” of Scott’s family on his mother’s side, and her second marriage when he was ten. Scott says, “when I was looking for a name for the company, and blending what would become the first test batches, I realized that blending these liqueurs started out a bit rough but became something beautiful. Much like my own Blended Family…” This a not just some cute tagline. We all know the value of something greater than it’s individual parts! Now, stop what you’re doing and go make a margarita with Blended Family Triple Sec. I dare you not to feel the love!

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