Breggo Cellars

Breggo Cellars, back and reimagined.

Breggo sits on 203 acres of heaven, halfway between Boonville and Philo, in the heart of Anderson Valley. About 30% of the property constitutes what winegrowers might call “usable” ground: islands of open grassy slopes, on reasonably stable clay-loam soils, with gentle southeastern exposures. The rest is wilderness. Breggo means “sheep” in Boontling, and for 150 years, sheep dominated the agricultural landscape of Anderson Valley. Proprietor and visionary Doug Stewart bought the property in 2000, started Breggo Cellars in 2004, which quickly became a darling of the press and consumers alike, and then he sold the brand in 2008. Almost immediately, he started Lichen Estate, a sparkling wine driven project, which has flourished. And now, to save it from extinction, he has bought Breggo back. He has dusted it off, given it some love, and is ready to share it again with the world. It was one of the original brands we sold at Springboard, and one of the most successful out of the gate. And since Doug is like whirling dervish of innovation (and has likely been that way since birth), we are all along for the ride. So, blah blah blah…taste the wines! Lights out.

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